教員 (Permanent staffs):
- 中西 透 (Toru NAKANISHI), Professor
- 北須賀 輝明 (Teruaki KITASUKA), Associate Professor
Visiting professors and researchers with whom we are in collaboration:
- 森田 憲一 (Kenichi MORITA)
- 岩本 宙造 (Chuzo IWAMOTO)
- 今井 克暢 (Katsunobu IMAI)
- Andrew Adamatzky, University of the West of England, UK
- Artiom Alhazov, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova
- Jia Lee, Chongqing University, China
- Maurice Margenstern, Universite Paul Verlaine, France
- Bruno Martin, Universite Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
- Genaro Juarez Martinez, ICN, LCCOMP, C3, UNAM, Mexico
- Ferdinand Peper, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
- Victor Poupet, Universite de Provence, France
- Thomas Worsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
博士課程及び学部学生 (Doctor’s course and Undergraduate Student):
修士2年 (Second-year master’s student)
- 小田 雄斗 (Yuto Oda)
- 黒田 和暉 (Kazuki Kurota)
- 橋部 拓杜 (Takuto Hashibe)
- 濱田 裕太 (Yuta Hamada)
修士1年 (First-year master’s student)
- 米澤 優華 (Yuka Yonezawa)
- 占部 怜也 (Reiya Urabe)
- 三宅 理久 (Riku Miyake)
- 髙田 健吾 (Kengo Takata)
- 杉浦 一彰 (Kazuaki Sugiura)
学部4年 (4th year undergraduate student)
- 槇田 凌也 (Ryoya MakiDa)
- 渡部 彰馬 (Shoma Watanabe)
- 福井 菜月 (Natsuki Fukui)
- 市野 真歩 (Maho Ichino)
- 稲葉 遼也 (Ryoya Inaba)
- 加藤 恵吾 (Keigo Kato)
- 早川 慧梧 (Keigo Hayakawa)